Freeform Katia

November 27, 2006

stealth knitting

Filed under: Uncategorized — freeformkatia @ 1:18 pm

It’s post-Thanksgiving. I made a run to the yarn store on Saturday and bought 1 skein of Black Bunny; 3 skeins of Misti Alpaca; 1 skein of something else; a lot of needles. I’ve got work to do. I spent Saturday & Sunday naptimes casting on, swatching, knitting, ripping, casting on… repeat. I think I finally settled on what to do with the Black Bunny. Perhaps I need to join the KAL, once I have a picture of something worthwhile.

Maja rode her 2nd carousel on Friday. She was much more enthusiastic about it this time, and during the entire ride she kept exclaiming: Maja horsey!!! Maja horsey!!!

We also visited Santa/St. Nick — Maja was NOT impressed, and despite the fact that I held her the entire time, she only managed to stop screaming long enough for a few pictures.

You can take the picture, dad, but I am NOT going to smile. hmph.

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