Freeform Katia

November 9, 2006

oh dear

Filed under: Knitting — freeformkatia @ 2:24 pm

Trouble is a-brewing. I looked at bought the Mason-Dixon knitting book today in the bookstore and I’m a convert. I have urges now to make log cabin blankets, and dishcloths, and linen handtowels. My bathroom would be so divine! Now, I need the time. And the resources (both material and financial). And the energy.

I could make baby kimonos for all the expected babies. I could make handtowels as Christmas gifts. Or dishcloths paired with fancy soaps! The possibilities are endless; I am hooked. And, obviously, I have not reached my full potential as a wife/mother/breadwinner/homemaker. Must. Have. Handknit. Linen. Towels. In. Bathroom.
But first, I need to finish those projects I have the yarn for. Oh sigh. I did work on the cotton lace shawl last night. What posses me to knit on that project NOW (it’s winter) as opposed to, oh, say the wool dress for Maja, is a mystery to me.

This brings me back to my original question from a while back: how can I keep my job AND knit at my leisure AND take care of the baby AND ‘keep up’ the house (i.e. laundry, cook, clean). What is the ultimate in multi-tasking? I suppose I could knit and do laundry simultaneously. I can knit while Maja’s napping. If I just spent 30 min. a day cleaning I could probably stay ahead of the dust bunnies.

This brings me (I know, I already used that transition, but it’s a good one) to the issue of cleaning. I’ve concluded that I don’t like the Swiffer system. The little cloths don’t pick up the dirt — they just push it around. And, because of our uneven, crotchety wood floors (hello, some of the floors are over 100 years old!) the little cloth catches on things. And tears. Making the Swiffer system even more ineffective. Why not use a broom? Because I hate hate hate picking the hair off the bottom of the broom. Hate it.

I am considering Vileda. My parents have a Vileda and swear by it. Mind you, they’re retired and my dad is a clean freak (love ya, dad) and he probably mops 2x a day — so the dust bunnies never stand a chance… but I digress.
Any suggestions on how to do it all?

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