Freeform Katia

March 23, 2007


Filed under: friends, maja, musings — freeformkatia @ 7:25 am

A morning to celebrate!! We got through the entire morning routine this morning WITHOUT ONE TEAR! No screaming, no protests, no crying. Maja got up, got dressed, and got in the stroller without one word of protest. It was awesome and amazing. I’m not holding my breath that she’s over whatever was bugging her… but I am glad that we had a good morning.

Yesterday spring returned, and we spent at least 2 hours in the park playing. Maja brought a ball to the park, and she, Hope & Vladimir had a great time chasing it, and playing keep away.


Oh, and here’s the latest (22 week) belly shot:

Seems like I had more of a belly last week. shrug.


And, just to prove that while one thing goes well something else won’t: I locked myself out of the house. Hopefully my neighbour will get my message and I can get the spare key from him! Otherwise, if it’s not raining, we’ll just hang out in the park until Richard gets home.

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