Freeform Katia

June 17, 2008

the ONE thing I didn’t really want her to inherit

Filed under: parenting — Tags: , , , — freeformkatia @ 8:56 am

When I was pregnant with Maja I talked to her a lot inutero, trying to convince her to inherit the right mix of traits from her parents:

  • my teeth, hair, and feet
  • blue eyes (don’t know why this was so important)
  • her dad’s temperament and brains

Well, she’s got the blue eyes… the rest remains to be seen. What IS becoming clear, unfortunately, is that Maja inherited my trait of Extreme Crankiness Related to Exhaustion. My finest hours do not happen after 9pm — when I get tired I get cranky and Maja has inherited this. Suffice it to say evenings are not usually a happy time in our house.

What about you? Do you, as an adult, still have a “cranky time”? C’mon… ‘fess up!

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